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Captain Richard Dake is a leading airline industry authority, specializing in airline operations, pilot training/checking, aviation weather, flight attendant and cockpit crew performance, flight safety standards, simulator training, and flight path reconstruction. Captain Dake has appeared on FOX, CNN, ABC, CBS, RT News, People Magazine and numerous radio stations. He is a retired United Airlines Captain, type rated on A320/319, B737,B757, B767, B747-400 airliners, and prior United Airlines Southwest Regional Assistant Chief Pilot for the Los Angeles and Denver domiciles.

With over 40 years of professional airline experience, he is recognized for over 22,000 hours of accident free flight with no FAA violation, and has held several volunteer positions with the Airline Pilots Association (ALPA), including the ALPA B747-400 Flight Operation Quality Assurance (FOQA) representative.  His additional range of experience includes In-flight Steward, In-flight Management, Marketing, Customer Service and Human Resources. He was a Pilot Instructor, Line Check Airmen, Standards Captain, and  FAA Designee on the B737 and B747-400. He also holds an Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) License and Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) rating.