
Captain William “Chris” Lucius A knowledgeable aviation professional with 32 years of manned and unmanned flying experience. He has approximately 16,000 hours of flight experience and is type-rated on the Airbus A319/20, Boeing 737, 747-400, 757, 767, 777, and 787 aircrafts.  Currently, he is Captain on the Boeing 777 for United Airlines. In addition to his aviation experience and expertise, Captain Lucius also has a Juris Doctorate. He is one of the founding Partners of Ivanovic & Lucius P.C., and is an active member of the California Bar Association. He has applied his legal expertise to the field of aviation law, centering his time and talents around legal issues which focus on the safe integration of drones into the NAS, both manned aviation and unmanned aviation (drones)

Captain Lucius has represented various aviation organizations throughout his distinguished career.  Air Safety Organization of the Air Line Pilots Association (5 years.)  He was part of the initial Unmanned Aircraft Safety Team (UAST), worked on the FAA’s Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC), for flight the of drones over people.  Additionally, he has been a member on multiple expert panels for mostly aviation related organizations, such as, American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE), Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), Flight Safety International (FSI), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), among others.  Captain Lucius presently holds the position of Nevada State Chairperson for Lawyer-Pilots Bar Association (LPBA).